The Beaches

Balneario Camboriu: Vacations and travel info


Bienvenidos a Balneario Camboriú

This stunning and impressive tourist destination, located in the state of Santa Catarina and known as one of the most important cities in southern Brazil, is recognized worldwide for its wide range of tourist attractions available throughout the year. The city of Balneario Camboriu is blessed with amazing hotel infrastructure, with approximately 100 hotels and inns offering 20,000 rooms for visitors. High season runs from February through March, the warmest months of the year, when visitors can experience the best beach-going conditions for their upcoming vacation.

A Bit of History

Welcome to Balneario CamboriuIn this bay, the beautiful beach destination of Balneario Camboriu was born, even before Brazil was discovered by foreign nations. Its first inhabitants were the Tupi-Guarani people, who were the only people to experience the natural beauty of this region until the beginning of the seventeenth century. Foreign occupation didn't officially begin until 1826, when the first German families were drawn in by the area's fertile soil and pleasant climate.
In 1928, the region grew in popularity among visitors in search of a bathing destination, resulting in the construction of the first hotel and the beginning of tourist activity in the area. Years later, it became a preferred tourist destination, especially among Argentineans, who were sure not to leave Balneario Camboriu out of their vacation itinerary. All who visited this site were captivated by its singular beauty, its white sands, its lush vegetation and its crystal-clear waters, which is why it became known as the "Wonder of the South Atlantic".

Traditions and Customs

Welcome to Balneario CamboriuLocal commerce focuses on the sale of artisanal products mainly found in the Bairro da Barra neighborhood, along with exquisite regional cuisine made with fresh local seafood. One fact you may not know about Balneario Camboriu is that, even though the country's official language is Portuguese, this particular destination receives visitors from many neighboring countries, including Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and more. Over time, these outside influences have led to a whole new local language called "Portunhol", a combination of Portuguese and Spanish.

The City of Extreme Sports

Welcome to Balneario CamboriuSports, whether they're played on land, in the ocean or in the air, form a huge tradition in this fascinating destination, which is why sporting events on the beach have become very popular. Balneario Camboriu was even chosen as the host for the South American volleyball and jet ski games. Surfing is another popular sport enjoyed by many locals and visitors in Balneario Camboriu. Thousands of professional and amateur surfers come to this site, known as the "birthplace of surfing". Here, you can also try extreme sports such as hang gliding, rappelling and ziplining.


Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, Brazil: What to do and where to go

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, Brazil
One of southern Brazil's most popular tourist destinations, the city of Balneario Camboriu is overflowing with lush and beautiful beaches, an amazing attraction for both Brazilian and international tourists. If you can, try to visit every single one of the city's beaches during your trip; Praia Central is particularly stunning, with truly unique and beautiful landscapes. Balneario Camboriu also offers lots of other attractions, including adventurous ecotourism excursions. This destination is without a doubt a city filled with natural beauty and adventure.

Praia Central

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilPraia Central (Central Beach) extends over four miles, and is well-known for its calm and crystal-clear waters. With an impressive tourism infrastructure, it offers a wide variety of services such as hotels, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. The architecture along its main avenues features picturesque buildings, cobblestone streets, street stands and parks, inviting you to enjoy a peaceful walk while getting in touch with nature. In the evenings, the lighting along the boardwalk accentuates the neighborhood's natural beauty, making it even more stunning.

Praia do Pinho

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilIn 1986, a group of nature-loving friends got together to create a Nudist Association in this beach that today is well-known throughout the entire country of Brazil. With clean, clear waters, this natural beauty is truly unique, with diverse and lush vegetation along with groups dedicated to protecting its green areas and its visitors. For a more comfortable experience, Praia do Pinho (Pine Beach) is divided into multiple sections: there are areas for couples, families and singles. At Praia do Pinho, you'll also come across bars, restaurants, hotels and campgrounds.

Praia Estaleiro and Estalerinho

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilPraia Estaleiro (Shipyard Beach) is famous for its blue waters, large waves, thick sand and lush vegetation. It can be found hidden among the coasts of Brazil's Atlantic Forest. On the other hand, Praia Estalerinho (Little Shipyard Beach) is conveniently situated near the highway and is home to stunning vegetation adorning its coastline. The transparency of the ocean combined with the white sands dominates the landscape here. Both beaches are popular among tourists from all over the world, and many high society Europeans have decided to make their homes in the calm tranquility of this paradise-like spot.

Ilha das Cabras

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilIlha das Cabras (Goat Island) is one of the main natural beauties in Balneario Camboriu, located about half a mile offshore from Praia Central. The island itself has its own lighting system to show off the beautiful colors of its plant life. It's ideal for adventure lovers, and visitors can reach the island by canoe or by kayak.

Cristo Luz

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilSituated on the highest point in the city and standing 110 feet tall, this impressive sculpture depicts Christ holding a beacon of light in his hand to symbolize God shining his warm rays all over the city. This is the most representative image of Camboriu. From the top, you can enjoy amazing panoramic views, and along the way you'll discover a cavern dedicated to Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Our Lady of Aparecida, the patron saint of Brazil). Here you can also visit one of Camboriu's most popular sites, filled with interesting galleries dedicated to the city's history along with religious images and artwork, including the garbs used by Benedict XVI during his last visit to Sao Paulo.

Casa Linhares

Originally, this building was home to couple Ademar Linhares and Neia Bastos. It's made up of two stories and was constructed using wood beams. The history of Casa Linhares (Linhares House) is a great example of local riches, since it was within these walls that Mr. Linhares opened the city's first supermarket, which helped to feed every family that lived in the region at the time. Today, Casa Linhares is home to the art and artisanry school called "Cantando, Dancando e Tecendo Nossa Historia" (Singing, Dancing and Weaving Our History).

Centro de Cultura

If you want to learn more about the area's culture in the midst of a fun-filled vacation, don't miss out on the city's Centro de Cultura (Cultural Center). The activities here focus on the local cultural richness, and you'll also find information on the arts, stories from the city's colorful history, photography galleries and journalistic archives. Some of its most famous parts include the Cultural Foundation, the Machado de Assis City Library, the Castro Alves City Cultural Center, the Art School, the Volante Library and the Art Gallery.


Camboriu is home to a wide variety of museums, some featuring important exhibits displaying fossils and artifacts from ancient civilizations. Here you can also find artisanry made with materials such as ceramics, wicker, textiles, leathers, wood and shells, along with crustaceans, algae, birds and mammals. The main museums are the Catarinense Art Museum, the Museum of Marine Wildlife and the Fisherman's Museum.


The churches of Balneario Camboriu are definitely worth a visit, housing a large part of this amazing destination's vibrant history. Each of these churches features exquisite architecture, enhanced by ornaments from royal families dating back to the nineteenth century. In the Capela Santo Amaro (Saint Amaro Chapel), legend has it that when salvery was abolished, the bell was rung so much that it actually broke. The area's most well-known churches include La Capela Santo Amaro, La Matriz San Ines, Bairro da Barra and Capelinha Nossa Senhora de Aparecida.


Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilIn the parks around Balneario Camboriu, kids and adults alike have a great time experiencing country life at small haciendas, learning more about the way of life of those who inhabit these estates. The city's main park attractions are zoos and aquariums offering a wide variety of fish and crustaceans. The most well-known local parks are the Parque Ecologico Rio Camboriu (Camboriu River Ecological Park), Parque Cyro Gevaerd and Parque Balneario Santur.

Beto Carrero World

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilLocated in the city of Penha, just twenty miles outside of Balneario Camboriu, Beto Carrero World is the biggest theme park in Latin America and the fifth largest in the world. Known as the "Disneyworld of Brazil", this place is a must-see on your itinerary. It's divided into multiple themed areas: Adventure Radical, Velho Oeste (Old West), Avenida das Nacoes (Avenue of the Nations), Terra da Fantasia (Fantasy Land), Mundo Animal (Animal World) and Ilha dos Piratas (Pirates' Island). Its main attractions are the famous Star World Mountain, the Tower of Horror and the Magic Carpet.

Parque Unipraias

Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilKnown for being one of the main attractions in Balneario Camboriu, this park unites the Barra Sul (South Strip), the Estacao Mata Atlantica (Atlantic Forest Station), and Praia das Laranjeiras (Orange Tree Beach). The only means of transportation for getting around the immense park are the modern aerial cable cars, which allow visitors the opportunity to take in the beautiful panoramic views along the ride. Since its inauguration in 1999, the park is home to many forms of excitement and entertainment all in one place, drawing in half a million tourists from all over the world every year.
One of the park's main attractions is Youhooo, a modern rollercoaster with amazing forest-covered hills and an incredible view of the city's main beach, Praia Central. With about a half-mile of track and reaching speeds up to 40 miles an hour, you can experience an exciting ride with great views of the park. This is definitely an adventure you won't want to miss out on!
Attractions in Balneario Camboriu, BrazilWithin the park, in the Estacao Barra Sul (South Strip Station), you'll find a terrace where you can enjoy a view of where the Camboriu River meets with the ocean. Without a doubt, the best place for beachgoers is Estacao Laranjeiras (Orange Tree Station), which offers restaurants and bars. Within Parque Unipraias, you'll also come across Parque de Aventuras (Adventures Park), where you can go on expeditions guided by professional biologists who describe the types of experiments and studies done with the local plants and wildlife. This particular tour requires strength and concentration, sure to get your adrenaline pumping during a trek in the midst of beautiful wildlife.
Praia do Rosa Overview:
Praia do Rosa, a crescent-shaped bay with sand dunes, has claimed a definitive stake in the hearts of beachgoers from all over the world.
With a laidback, yet elegant atmosphere, Praia do Rosa has what it takes to please all kinds of beach bums: southern right whales from July to November, summers that attract lots of beautiful people, surfing, ecotourism, charming bungalows for romantic getaways or family travel and good restaurants on narrow dirt streets.
Praia do Rosa is a member of the Most Beautiful Bays of the World Club, a non-governmental network which aims to contribute to the preservation of unique bays.

Praia do Rosa Fast Facts, Weather and Location :

A northern district of Imbituba, Praia do Rosa is located about 90 kilometers (56 miles) from Florianópolis. Garopaba, also known for its surfing culture, is just 23 kilometers to the north.
If you like water sports, be prepared for cold fronts on the Santa Catarina coast and pack wetsuits. But Praia do Rosa is attractive year round and winters, albeit cold at times, are sunny and bright - a fascinating time to visit.
Although Praia do Rosa developed quickly from a local hideaway into an internationally known destination, as of the time of this writing it still has dirt streets, part of its wild charm.

Whale Watching in Praia do Rosa:

Praia do Rosa is located within the range of the Southern Right Whale Environment Protection Area (APA Baleia Franca), created in 2000 and managed by ICMBio (, the Brazilian Ministry of Environment's Chico Mendes Institute for Conservation of Biodiversity).
Whale watching in Santa Catarina goes from July to November, with a peak of sightings between the second half of August and the first half of October.

More Things to Do in Praia do Rosa:

Praia do Rosa is part of a string of beaches on the southern coast of Santa Catarina with great conditions for surfing - Imbituba is on the ASP World Tour.
Ecotourism is on the rise in Praia do Forte. Hiking is big in the hills around the beach, especially on a trail known as Caminho do Rei, or the King's Way, named after the visit of a Brazilian king to the trail. Horseback riding on the beach and bird watching are some other fun possibilities.

Ilha do Papagaio at a Glance

A private island turned into a vacation resort, Ilha do Papagaio (Parrot Island) boasts one of the most preserved remnants of Brazil's Atlantic Forest. It offers comfortable accommodations and several leisure activities. Between July and November, the island is a great spot for watching southern right whales (Eubalaena australis).
Ilha do Papagaio is a member of Associação Roteiros de Charme.


Ilha do Papagaio is about 31 miles (50 kilometers) away from another beautiful island: Ilha de Santa Catarina, where the greatest part of Florianópolis, the capital of Santa Catarina State, is located.
Ilha do Papagaio belongs to the district of Palhoça, an attractive town with beautiful beaches and cultural traditions that mix Azorean, German, Italian and Brazilian Indian influences.

Ecotourism Appeal:

The fact that Ilha do Papagaio is located within the Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) da Baleia Franca, or Brazil's Rigth Whale Environmental Protection Area, makes it one of the best places in the country to watch marine wildlife without the need to go diving.
Trekking along the trails of the preserved Atlantic rainforest (Mata Atlântica) that covers a great part of the island is another popular activity among guests.
The island's spread out accommodations and gorgeous setting, the many activities and opportunities for quiet time make it attractive to families with young children, couples on their first or twentieth honeymoon, and active adults.


Guests can choose from 21 lodges with great ocean views. Some of the lodges have a fireplace - it gets chilly at night on the Southern coast.

Your Island for a Day:

If you're on vacation in Santa Catarina, you can go for day use at Ilha do Papagaio, with lunch and some activities included.


Kayaking, snorkeling, coastal fishing and hiking are some popular activities included in the price. At an extra charge, guests can go on boat rides to the coast.

Nearby Attractions:

Santa Catarina State has a privileged coastline. The main attractions close to Ilha do Papagaio are Palhoça and its beaches, including Guarda do Embaú and Pedras Altas - one of Brazil's nude beaches.


Welcome to São Francisco do Sul, the Oldest city of south and the third oldest one in Brasil! If you come to Santa Catarina, you must visit São Francisco do Sul. It is a city located in the north of the state (next to Joinville), the city has natural beauties, old colonial old houses, sports, carnivalSão Francisco do Sul is a very nice place to enjoy summer vacations, since it is a very beautiful island with beaches for surfing, fishing, kite surfing, wind surfing, you can also dive in its clear and warm water, you also find dunes, rivers, the bay, Babitonga bay that is very pretty all surrounded by a very beautiful historical center. It has a privileged localization, next to Joinville, Camboriú, Blumenau, Jaraguá do Sul, Itajaí, Florianópolis, Curitiba and other cities.


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